Posted by US placer / Category:

Man i had to touch on this before i left this shit is crazy. On the music side, Rick ross is murdering 50. Mafia Music, Magnificient, Cigar music is shittin on get up, get in, get off or whatever trash 50 is releasing now. and 50 knows it thats why his album is pushed back till after em drops so he can piggy back off them. But hot damn Ross is just catchin Ls left and right on the beef shit. From exposin him on his worth(Jewels only worth 45,000, mayback is a used 04 and leased, 7,000 in debt) to takin his baby mama shoppin, 50 is just destroyin him. And now he has a sex tape of his other baby momma, who apparently is an escort. Words cant descibe how fucked up this is for Ross. 50 is funny as hell commentating as the curly alter ego(which btw was a ross attack that has now completely backfired). And the nigga in the tape is smashing raw(wtf) to a ance commercial lol. Then the nigga nuts in her. Aw Man i dont give a fuck what ross says or how he spins this he had a daughther by this woman, which 50 of course mentions in the vid. I think the C.O. graduating tape is the next move for 50. Ross needs to murder 50 or just fall back completely cuzz its getting uglier and uglier for him each day.