Cat scratched

Posted by US placer / Category:

What a sucky day this has been. I woke up with a brutal sore throat felt like sandpaper stuck in there. I think besides being kicked in the balls thats the worse feelin possible to me. The previous day i was in valois in Hyde Park(hey no problem Barack Obama used to eat there) after gettin Mark Levins new book. The place is basically a cafeteria so u can see them make ur shit. I ordered the french toast, everything omelet, turky patties, and hash browns(yep im a fat ass more on that another time). So im watchin the motherfucker cook all this shit with his bare hands. Im talkin mushrooms, toast, patties, green peppers, all with hands. Now I've worked in and around enuff kitchens to know this shit goes on all the time, but i dont want to see it first hand. Im thinking to myself i betcha this guy has been digging for gold or rubbing kids out in the cooler all day. But i didnt dwell on it. Almost immediately after eating the shit, I started sneezing like crazy. I thought it was allegies. So im sneezin through out the night and by the time i wake up full on throat soreness. I flunked my chem quiz today. When i mean flunk i mean i didnt answer anything except my name. I also wrote my paper on an element instead of an ingredient so who knows what will happen with that. Then when i took my practical exam in Anatomy & Physiology, my throat was killin me. Fuckin chloroseptic(sp)spray was not working. I basically handed my answer sheet to my professor about 5 min in the exam and left. I just wanted to pass out. Lol at work i couldnt even talk cuz my fukin throat was turned into hell, fire, and brimstone. I couldnt form a sentence without coughing up a lung. My manager saw me, looked at me like I had herpes on my lip, and said go home. So here I am lol.

Crackhead Video of the day