Are you a freak?

Posted by US placer / Category:

Well lets see....

Im glad its gettin warmer outside now this winter was some brutal shit. It made me more determined then ever to get a car. Hopefully with my income tax and a lil bit of stackin i can accomplish that. I dont mind what kind of car it is as long as it doesnt have rust spots, runs right, and make funny noise im good. But shit nothins really been goin on with me just mostly school and barely work(fuckin job can spend money on DJs that are garbage and go go dancers aka softcore strippers but continously cut my hours wtf). Just finished the outline on my speech tomorrow. Its gonna be on taxes so it wont get the blood boiling like topics such as drugs, racism, and sex. But i dont give a fuck. If ever there was a more worthless class its speech. I mean seriously wtf does speech have to do in pertaining to dental hygienstry? I mean if your majoring in some sort of communication field then ok but Im pretty sure i wont have to give speeches on the importance of gingivitis or teeth cleaning so I ask whats the point. I believe its just a way to milk more money out of you imo. Today in my chem 201, some girls and the professor was tryin to get me to participate in some speed dating/love connection thats happening Fri. I use the excuse of work to not go but even if i was off i still wouldnt do it. Im not cocky nor am i shallow when it comes to looks, but the majority of girls at kennedy King are ugly dirt rats. Plain and simple. Worked like a slave this wk two 10 plus hours on sat and sun. I mean i shouldnt bitch cuzz it was my only two days but if you did what i did you would understand. Plz sat i had to work in the morning after playin beer bong with vodka and tequila the night before. So i was extra pissed cuz i was hungover and it was St patricks day parade. Super busy and ppl being obnoxious. But hey its life

Quick review of I love you man

Today since it was so dead at work, i was cut before i even had a chance to clock in(lol). So I grabbed a movie pass they had at the job and went to the free screening of I love you man. It starred Paul Rudd from Role Models and Jason Segel from forgetting sara marshall. It was ok but wayyyy too predictable. I figured from what i heard and seen in previews the movie would go like this

1) Man(Paul Rudd) plans to get married.

2) Man realizes he doesnt have any male friends in his life

3) Man sets out to find male best friend

4) Man finds best friend(Jason Segel) and they become best bromos lol

5) Fiance gets jealous of the new relationship and cause the end of friendship

6) Man makes up with his friend and get married right at the end of the movie.

and thats literally how the movie is. Besides a couple of chuckles at the usual gay, shit, and masterbation jokes there was nothing memorable about it at all. Def glad i didnt pay to see this cuz that woulda been the second time in a row I wasted my money at the movies(1st being that garbage watchmen movie). These guys need to step it up cuzz there movies are slacking. I mean pineapple express and role models were ok but they were no where near as great as superbad and the 40 year old virgin. And that seth rogen movie where he plays a mall cop doesnt look funny at all. So i hope these guys get on and start putting out that funny shit again.

About to place the orders for these

Im starting to really fuck with dunks. I think they are shitting all over ones when it comes to colors and styles. Other then supras these are prolly my second favorite brand. Im also getting these two hoodies by artful dodger and true religion to rock before it gets hot as fuck.

and too cap off this late night rant, check out this clip of this crackhead. I may be late but this shit had me dying laughing

I know since bumfights came out the political correctness police has made the exploitation of homeless ppl nothin to laugh at but if you didnt find this funny shit i dont know what to say


Anonymous said on March 19, 2009 at 3:43 PM  

damn ur job seems to suck